Project Resound “From Behind the Camera with Darlien Morales”

Darlien Morales is a Project Resound (PR) Veteran, having been a part of 3 different trips over the years; Cherokee, Brazil, and Guatemala.  Her experience was different from all of the other participants as she was in charge of (video) documenting the projects to help tell its unique story.   

When PR founder Louis Baker reached out to Darlien about this opportunity she was immediately drawn to the potential impacts collaboration through design can have on people, especially in other countries.  She described the project as creative exploration and cultural immersion, because not only are you learning about the country and culture beyond what you may have learned or read before arriving, but you are also immediately jumping into working with a team of designers that you have never worked with or even met before.  She got to witness what creatives can accomplish in such a short time and described it as a real “testament to what creative minds can accomplish, especially under pressure.” 

One of her favorite memories from working with Project Resound was during the trip to Brazil. She recalls vividly how the locals were crying of joy after the culmination of the final presentation by the designers. She kept rolling with camera in hand, but couldn’t help and notice how everyone’s emotional state was just a window into the hard work from the past days in combination with dashes of hope towards a brighter future. That day shed a light on how design thinking can help shape a community.

Darlien offers advice to future participants of Project Resound; Be aware of what you can bring and have confidence in yourself, but don’t hesitate to ask for help - have flexibility - it is a group project after all.  

Learn more about Darlien and her work at:

Darlien Morales (FB page)

Darlien Morales Instagram

Darlien Morales Website


Impact of Design ‘Clicks’ for Designer While in Nicaragua


Project Resound “A Cool Opportunity” to do Something Great, Pro Bono